Post-Bootcamp Life

Monday, May 15, 2017 Unknown 0 Comments

I finally graduated from Thinkful, an online coding bootcamp.

I really learned a lot, and it was thanks in most to my mentor. Unlike many of my colleagues from the program, my mentor was a full stack developer who knew the front to the back of programming. I was lucky!

However, working hard and learning how to program also takes a lot of effort on the student's part. So putting hours in to programming and studying is just as important as communicating with your mentor or going over the curriculum material.

But after joining a bootcamp and finishing, I have to say that the learning is never done.

You cannot just stop studying, coding, building, networking, etc. It's all about making programming a lifestyle.

I'm even planning on ways to get more involved by joining open-source projects, creating collaborative work with colleagues from the program, building my own side-projects to test out new technologies, tutorials, and going through online programs like CS50 and Udacity nanodegrees.

So, don't forget to keep learning, and finding ways to improve yourself. If you want to become something amazing, make sure to give it your all, and don't stop trying!


Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate your feedback and hope it helps others in the community learn more too!